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The Charity

LeCarington is a direct contributor to the CAID Foundation which supports children with auto-inflammatory diseases by providing funding for educating, cure research, and providing awareness about the illnesses. The recognition of the LeCarington brand represents the light of hope for children around the world affected by life threatening illnesses. We have partnered with the CAID Foundation, for which a portion of proceeds will be donated to, in hopes that a cure on the horizon will be that much closer.


The LeCarington brand was conceived for philanthropic purposes. It leads with no coincidence that the word “CARING” is positioned in the middle of the brand name. “Giving in a grande way requires creating in a grande way,” states Ms. Carington. The art of the brand represents the art of healing for children around the world affected by CAID (childhood auto-inflammatory diseases).

Ms.Carington is honored to be named the Ambassador for The CAID Foundation. Proceeds from all LeCarington Arte Handbags are donated to STOP CAID NOW.

LeCarington stands on a united front alongside their clientele to give back. May the light of your crystal encrusted Arte Handbags be the light of change.