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Membership Registration

When purchasing via LeCarington’s website channel or via a LeCarington Arte Curator in our Ordering Department, you will have two options:

REGISTER AS A NEW CLIENT: In order to become a LeCarington Client, you must first register online, which will ensure time efficient purchasing. As a LeCarington Client, you will receive news, press, charity, and product updates.

LeCarington will save your personal information (required) in our database. If you order via one of our Arte Curators and are not yet registered as a Client online, our Curators will register you as a Client. You may change personal information or passwords by going to MY ACCOUNT.

Whether registering through the website or a LeCarington Arte Curator, you will receive a confirmation via email that your account has been set up. If you register as a client, LeCarington will hold your information in our database for future orders. From time to time, our website channel may be revised requiring updated information from our members.


Online registration will be a one-time sign up process, and LeCarington International will not save your personal information (required) for future transactions/orders.

GUESTS may track their orders through MY ACCOUNT

Registering online as a CLIENT or a GUEST will require personal information provided by the Arte Collector as well as creating a login and password. Your personal information will not be used by LeCarington International aside from the sole purpose of placing orders, tracking orders, and client news updates as noted above. After registering online as a CLIENT or GUEST, a confirmation email will be sent to you confirming receipt of your registration.

Please review our Privacy Policy to understand the complete usage by LeCarington International of your personal information. LeCarington International will not be held responsible or liable for any third party having access or misuse to your login/password.  LeCarington uses COOKIES. 

Any further information needed, contact: 

Email: or
Call: Toll Free (US only) 1 -844-THE ARTE (International Only) 1 -917-715-5252




When purchasing via LeCarington’s website channel or via a LeCarington Arte Curator in our Ordering Department, you will have two options:

REGISTER AS A NEW CLIENT: In order to become a LeCarington Client, you must first register online, which will ensure time efficient purchasing. As a LeCarington Client, you will receive news, press, charity, and product updates.

LeCarington will save your personal information (required) in our database. If you order via one of our Arte Curators and are not yet registered as a Client online, our Curators will register you as a Client. You may change personal information or passwords by going to MY ACCOUNT.

Whether registering through the website or a LeCarington Arte Curator, you will receive a confirmation via email that your account has been set up. If you register as a client, LeCarington will hold your information in our database for future orders. From time to time, our website channel may be revised requiring updated information from our members.


Online registration will be a one-time sign up process, and LeCarington International will not save your personal information (required) for future transactions/orders.

GUESTS may track their orders through MY ACCOUNT

Registering online as a CLIENT or a GUEST will require personal information provided by the Arte Collector as well as creating a login and password. Your personal information will not be used by LeCarington International aside from the sole purpose of placing orders, tracking orders, and client news updates as noted above. After registering online as a CLIENT or GUEST, a confirmation email will be sent to you confirming receipt of your registration.

Please review our Privacy Policy to understand the complete usage by LeCarington International of your personal information. LeCarington International will not be held responsible or liable for any third party having access or misuse to your login/password.  LeCarington uses COOKIES. 

Any further information needed, contact: 

Email: or
Call: Toll Free (US only) 1 -844-THE ARTE (International Only) 1 -917-715-5252